Lesson 11: Working in a Different Country


Working Abroad

Working Abroad
Different Styles

Business Week Alex Spragg

Alex Spragg is a specialist in human resources. He works for many different organizations including MicroSoft, Boeing and MacDonald’s. He specializes in helping companies organize transferring employees. Here is his advice on how to approach a job move.

Demand for Travel

With the growth in globalization there is a great demand for employees to travel.
Many companies require specialized employees to visit and eventually move to other locations. Frequently, they have to move for temporary placement in other offices.


With specialization becoming more important, that job might only be found in another spot. Management is required to go to a new location. Are you working in a specialized environment? Perhaps you should look in different locations or at least to benchmark your salary.


With companies merging and reorganizing, it is often required for people to move with their department to a new location. If a company regroups with another, they often give the option to move or be made redundant.

Career progress

Do you want to get that promotion? Perhaps you should consider moving to the office overseas. Frequently companies consider experience in another office a way to really get to know a company.

How can you approach a move?

Compare the advantages of a move. Make two lists. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? How will it impact your family, your career, and your personal life?

The best approach is to be prepared and aware. Consider the options for moving and remember that you should try to think about this before it happens.
For more information look up Alex Spragg on the internet.

Alex Spragg.
Business Week