Lesson 11: Working in a Different Country


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Specialist: A person who is an expert: He is a specialist in human resources.
Advice: Information to help: His advice is to be prepared for a career move.
To advise: The action of helping. He advised against doing the contract.
To approach: To go towards: His approach is to become international.
Growth: To become larger. They are experiencing great growth.
Temporary placement: Temporary position. He has a temporary placement in the new office.
Locations: Physical placement. They have many locations around the city.
Impact: The force the influence. The impact on the situation is significant.
Aware: To be present or to know. Are you aware of the problems they are having?
Advantages and disadvantages: Positive and negative points. The advantage is that he is good. The disadvantage is the costs.
Moving: Going away. They are moving to another city.
List: A collection of information. They have a great client list.
Overseas: Over the ocean (far away). They want to set up an new office overseas.
Look up: To look for. You should look me up before coming to town.

Speaking English.

Sentences (read out loud)
The specialist gave his advice on the locations that were suggested.
He thought the list only offered temporary placements.
The growth of the area was going to have a big impact.
They moved overseas. You should look them up.
They had to compare the advantages and the disadvantages.