Lesson 12: Communicating through the Net


Article Part 2
Communicating through the Net 2

Part 2

Tuesday May 31st 9:25 a.m.
I have prepared all of my things to leave for San Francisco. I will be at the airport at 10 AM tomorrow. I have a direct flight. The last time I visited was years ago. I am preparing all of the things I will need for the trip. Also I had a meeting with a few friends. They want to get regular reports from me so I will have to stay in touch. I will try to keep this blog updated. We will see how well it goes. Globe Trotter.

Thursday June 8th 6:20 p.m.
Good work Jim . Keep us posted. Wineman [email protected]

Thursday June 9th 12:20 a.m.
Thanks Jim boy. Keep those reports commin’ aussigirl [email protected]