Lesson 12: Communicating through the Net


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Tour: To visit. They toured the wine valleys in California.
Travels: Voyages or trips. Her travels were extensive.
Direct Flight: To go straight without a stop. They had a direct flight to Santiago.
Stopover: To not go direct. The trip included a stopover.
Update: To inform with the latest information. He updated his blog.
Vineyard: A place that grows wine (grapes). The vineyards in Australia produce great wines.
So much for: An expression meaning something is over. After he arrived late for the flight he thought, so much for an easy trip.
Days off: Days you do not work. He is taking a few days off from work.
Aquarium: A place for fish to live in artificial conditions. They have a great aquarium in Baltimore.
A guy: An informal way of saying a person (usually male).The guy from the Shanghai office is coming next week.
Fall: The autumn season. We are leaving in the fall for South Africa.
Summer: June to September. Our vacation was this summer.
Spring: March to June. We're starting the new project in the spring.
Winter: The cold season. They have cold winters in Canada.
Globe trotter: A person who travels around the world. He travels around the world. He is a globe trotter.
Updates: The latest information. We're getting updated from project managers.
Amazing: Spectacular. Great. The new comapny is amazing.

Speaking English.

Sentences (read out loud)
They deicided to have a stopover, and to tour the vineyards.
So much for a direct flight, they had to go through Scotland.
There is a guy who will be visiting this fall.
We should be getting global updates for the project.
Their travels brought them around the globe.