Lesson 13: Bosses


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Globalization: Cultural and business activities around the world. The markets are globalizing.
Pressure: High expectations. There was a lot of pressure at work.
Organizing of teams: To prepare groups. The organizing of the team was easy.
Statistics: Numbers. The statistics say the economy is in good shape.
Strategies: Planned approach. The strategies of the boss were well done.
Around the corner: Close by. The company meeting is just around the corner.
Trends: The new direction. The trends say that we will have a good year next year.
Out of work: Unemployed. Once his contract is over he will be out of work.
Habits: Things you do regularly. His habits changed quite a bit after he got the new job.
To manage: To cope with. My boss will manage once his new team is in place.
Aspect: A part of something. What aspect of the presentation did you not understand?
Growing: Increase in size. The growth in the group is expected to be large.
Obtain: To get. You should obtain the certification.
Rate: The tempo or speed. The rate of growth will increase later.
Survey: To ask quesitons to get information. The survey is expected to show the results.

Speaking English

Sentences (read out loud)

There was a lot of pressure on the management to prepare for globalization.
The strategies were based on the statistics knowing there were changes around the corner.
They knew that around the corner he would be out of work.
The survey they obtained said the rate of growth would continue.
He will have to manage his bad habits in order to get the promotion.