Lesson 14: Celebrity marketing


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Impact: The effect. The impact on the business was large.
Hits: People visiting a web page. The web site got lots of hits.
Millions: Many thousands of thousands. They get millions of hits.
Billions: Many thousands of millions. The national budget was short billions.
Attached: To be connected. They are attached to their project.
Spots: TV advertising (UK). They put a spot on during the show.
Ads:Advertising (USA). The ads in the paper use celebrity stars.
Logo:An image identifying a company or product. The logo is everywhere. They are doing a large ad campaign.
Caps: A hat to shade from the sun like a baseball cap. Some ads with logos are put on caps.
To flash: To show quickly. They flashed the logo on the TV spot.
Project: An involved solution. The project was great.
Splash: To put everywhere. They splashed their image all over the sporting event.
To associate: To connect with. They associated the logo with the company.
Trends: The direction of thought. The trends are saying that they will be the market leader soon.
Breakfast: First meal of the day. I need a breakfast every day.
Cereal:Breakfast food. I have cereal for breakfast.
Star: Celebrity. They were stars at the event

Speaking English

Sentences (read out loud)
The impact of the situation could cost millions, even billions.
They have internet ads which resulted in many hits on the site.
They wanted to put their logo on their caps.
The company wants to splash their logo on the sporting event.
The trend is to put stars on cereal boxes.