Lesson 4: Restaurants


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Restaurant Vocabulary

Drinks: Eating and drinking before dinner.
We had drinks at the restaurant before dinner.
Hungry: To want to eat something.
I was hungry at the restaurant.
Greek: From the country of Greece.
That is a Greek restaurant.
So big: Very large.
The lunch was so big.
All-you-can-eat: A restaurant where you can eat as much as you like.
Jack went to the all-you-can-eat restaurant.
Specials: A temporary menu at a restaurant.
Peter got the special.
Starting: To begin at.
The price starts at nine dollars.
Stop by: To visit.
Janet stopped by.
Lovely evening: A very nice night.
We had a lovely evening.
Downtown: The center of the city.
They went downtown.
Wine list: A list of wines that a restaurant serves.
She got the wine list.
Careful: To pay attention.
They were careful.
Cheap: Not expensive.
The breakfast was cheap.
A bite: Something small or light to eat.
We got a bite at the restaurant.
Colleagues: People you work with.
I had lunch with colleagues.
Speaking English

Sentences (read out loud)
I was not hungry, so we only had drinks.
We had the all-you-can-eat special at the Greek restaurant.
After they stopped by we had a lovely evening downtown.
There was cheap wine on the wine list.
We had a bite with colleagues.