Lesson 5: My Hobbies


Weekly book review from Time magazine

Hobbies and Personalities By Jack Smith.
Weekly book review from Time magazine.

There are many different kinds of hobbies and they all say something about us. Martin Peters just finished a book called Hobbies and Personailities which looks at the way we spend our free time and what it says about us. This is what the book is about.

What do your hobbies say about you?

People who do sports as a hobby participate in activities such as football, soccer, tennis, golf, cycling and hiking. There are certain fundamental characteristics for this sports personality. For example, sports personalities include people concerned with their health, their physique, and are interested in socializing while exercising.

Cultural Hobbies

Cultural hobbies are for people that are intellectual, cultivated, inquisitive, and like learning. You will often find them at the movies or reading a good book. Other examples of activities include: traveling, photography, and wine tasting.

Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts hobbyists likes to work with their hands. They tend to like manual work such as painting, jewelry making, sculpting, and perhaps cooking. They are definitely interested in building things, being creative, and aesthetics.

The final chapter is about your hobbies and who you are. Which category do you fit in? Has Martin Peters left anything out? We spend a lot of our professional time talking about our hobbies. Next time when you meet a professional acquaintance find out what their hobbies are and see if they fit into one of these personality types. Do not forget to read Hobbies and Personalities by Martin Peters.

Jack Smith
Time magazine