Lesson 11: Getting Visibility at Work


Getting Visibility at Work.

Getting visibility at work by Marianna Kennedy.
Marianna Kennedy is an account executive for a Madison Avenue advertising agency. She is presenting on how to get visibility in a company.
What is visibility? Visibility is when people know you exist. They know what you do what you think and that you have influence. It is also your contribution to an organization. It is leadership.

How to get visibility? There are many different ways but be careful how you use it. Some methods are more effective than others.

Your communication is important for visibility. Remember, what other people say about you is more important. Find the right project and talk to the right people. Make sure there is a need and that you are helping people that can give you visibility.

Do a project that contributes to the most important needs of the organization. If it is sales, organize a guest speaker to present. If it is product do a presentation on innovation. Move in the direction where you meet the needs of the group, department and organization.

Let people know about you through communication. Once you have decided on a project you can communicate your ideas. Use digital media.

Visibility is part of our daily lives. It depends on the culture you are working in so be sensitive. It can be considered a manipulative process but not from the people that count. Proactivity is part of your job and one thing for sure, it will eventually get you a job promotion.