Lesson 13: Timing your work


Time Management.

When is the best time to do different things?

Michelle Meyers presentation on time management.

When is the best time to make decisions?
The best time to make decisions is when we have the most energy. This is usually after we sleep or after a break. Our body has more energy and can give better energy to our brain for the decisions.

What time of day is it better to do easy work?
It is better to do easy work when you have the least energy. So work where you do not have to make decisions. This includes work such as organizing easy tasks.

Who has more proof?
ETS is the global organization that does the TOEIC exam. They do millions of tests every year. The same tests for the same people around the world. They did a study last year that shows that results are 15 percent lower in the afternoon.

School programs
In Denmark thousands of school children were followed. It was found that if they had a break every hour their results improved by 20 percent compared to a break every 2 hours. So when do we make decisions?

We are capable of making better decisions at different times during the day. The more rested the better the decision. The answer is after lunch or after a short break.

How can you introduce this into your routine?
By carefully putting it into a routine you can figure out how to make your day perfect.