Lesson 14: Body Language


What is body language

Successful Body language
By Jack Smith
Inc Magazine

Successful Body language
Be careful about the body language you use. Make sure it compliments what you really think. You might be communicating the wrong message. Also be sensitive to the culture you are communicating with.

The bad habits.

1 ) Do not cross you arms
Your arms are crossed when you are defensive. It give the impression you are protecting something.

2) Sit properly
Not sitting properly gives the impression you are not making much oif an effort.

3) Face someone when you talk to them
When you do not face someone you are saying that you do not consider them important.

4) Look people in the eye
It is important to look the person in the eye. If you speak to someone look them in the eye. People will trust you more.

5) Do not look at your watch
When you look at your watch you give people the impression you do not have time for them. This is a bad habit and will not help with your career.

6) Do not move too much
If you move a lot you will get the attention of the people around you but is it the kind of attention you want? Watch you movement.