Lesson 15: Communication


Convincing people with storytelling.

Cultural differences
by Steve Jackson

How we communicate is very important. In the past, who are the people who impressed you with their communication style?

Like with children it is better to tell a story than to tell them to do something. We connect better with stories. There is an emotional connection. We respond better. We remember.

When we are in presentations for work or when we attend seminars, the usual method of communicating is information transfer. The question is how can you transfer this information through anecdotes. Who is your target audience and what are the circumstances?

How to prepare your story?
When to use this technique. Cultural norms vary. There is a trend in companies now to use storytelling in communication. In some European cultures it is considered manipulative. In some Asian cultures it is considered unacceptable to use as a technique. Watch out.

In conclusion we know communication trends are using these techniques more and more, so see how to use them and try them in your next interaction with a friend, a family member or in professional circumstances.