Lesson 15: Communication


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.
Confronted: To encounter. They confronted the cultural differences with a training.
Sensitive: Vulnerable, emotional. Some cultures are sensitive to talking about money.
Blunders: Big mistakes. Going to that restaurant with the client was a real blunder.
To address: To talk to. They will have to address the problem at the next meeting.
CEO: The Chief Executive officer. They have a new CEO.
President: The boss. The president of the company was in charge of the problem.
Rude: Not polite. The waiters are rude. I will not come back here.
Approach: To deal with in a certain way. The new president has a different approach for finance.
Point of view: Perspective. I have a different point of view from my boss on the subject.
Ignore: To not pay any attention. You have to ignore the situation.
Native: Originally from. His native culture is South East Asian.
Strange: Not normal. They have a strange corporate policy.
Flatterring: Complementing. I found the reception we got flattering.
To look up: To find. We should look up the information the net.
Speaking English

Sentences (read out loud)
I confronted him about his social blunders.
The CEO and the president though the approach was a little rude.
He felt his approach was flattering.
Realizing we could ignore his point of view, we looked up the solution.
The board was asked to address the CEO and the president.