Lesson 2: What do you do?


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Job vocabulary

a, an I am a teacher. / I am an engineer.
the He is the teacher.
and Susan and Peter are engineers.
I have I have a job.
You have You have a job.
He has He has a job.
She has She has a job.
It has It has a job.
We have We have a job.
You have You have jobs.
They have They have jobs.

Speaking English Sentences (read out loud)

To see (I see, you see, he sees, she sees, it sees, we see, they see)
I see Susan.
Susan and Peter see John.
John sees the waitress.
The doctor sees the nurse.

To work (I work, you work, he works, she works, it works, we work, you work)
Peter works as a doctor.
Susan works as an Engineer.
Jack works as a photographer.
Mike works as a receptionist.