Lesson 6: Using the phone


Using the phone

Part 1
Jack phoned Ron last week. He talked about a phone call he had for a new job. The job is at Google. Jack called the company and talked to Susan the Director. He communicated to John that yesterday he waited for a response for the job.

Part 2
Jack realized a job interview is important so he prepared. He talked using a mirror to help. He imagined the phone call. He imagined what the director wanted. He simulated the phone call 5 times. He prepared a lot.

Part 3
For the interview the call lasted 1 hour. Jack answered all of the questions that Susan the human resource director asked him. She asked him about his work history. She asked him about his education. She asked him about his hobbies. She asked him about his salary. They finished the interview 60 minutes later.

Part 4

Jack answered all of the questions well. He thinks he has the job. He will get a phone call tomorrow to tell him if he has the job. He is optimistic. Jack called Ron after the interview to tell him that he thinks the call went well.