Lesson 9: Business travel


Road Warriors

Road Warriors

Advice from a road warrior
Keith is a road warrior. A road warrior is a person who travels over a million miles for work a year. Basically living on the road. He lives in Sydney Australia. Listen to his advice on how to travel. Here is what he says about traveling a lot.

Travel light
To be a road warrior I think is better to talk about my last experience. I went to Bogota, Colombia from Vancouver, Canada last week and I saw clients. The best thing is to do is to have no luggage. El Dorado airport in Bogota can be busy. I walked directly to the yellow taxis waiting outside.

Eat and drink well
I always carry a snack and water so I can choose where to eat without risking problems. Food can slow you down and it can make you eat in places you do not want to eat in. I also bring water with me. It kept me energized.

Time Zones
On my trip I stayed in the Vancouver time zone while in Bogota. I changed my watch only when I returned home. This can only be done when the time zones are 4 hours or less apart. I only changed when I got back to Sydney. Here are some ideas for the road warriors. What do you think?