Lesson 10: A Country Report


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Economics vocabulary
Macro economics: Economics from a larger perspective. The government has macro economists.
Finance: Economics. The financing of the company is not possible.
Per capita: Per person. The per capita revenue was low.
Exchange: To trade with an organization.
Rate: The price. The exchange rate went up.
Paramount: Supreme and dominant. It is paramount that they get it right.
Budget cuts: Reduction in targeted expenses. They are experiencing budget cuts.
Revelation: An exposure or a surprise. The project was a real revelation.
Predominantly: Mostly. They are predominantly from Europe.
Largest economy: A market leader. They have the largest economy.
Economic boom: A great growth in business. They are experiencing an economic boom.
Forest industry: Industry concerning wood. Finland has a large forest industry.
Hydro electricity: Industry concerning water developed electricity. They produce hydro electricity.
Public debt:The liability of a country. They have a large public debt.
Government spending: The amount a government uses to run its business.
Trade:To exchange. They have a trade balance.
Waste: To misuse. They are wasting a lot of time.