Lesson 11: A Restaurant Review


A Restaurant Review

A Restaurant Review.
The Fort Lauderdale Gazette
Eddy Gomez

Le Parc
Choosing a restaurant for your clients is important for making a strong impression. Knowing which restaurants to choose from, can be very important in this decision. Read the following reviews of two restaurants. Which one would you choose for an important client?

Trying out a new restaurant is always an adventure. Experiencing a new restaurant with the world famous chef Pierre Lecerf is a sublime experience. To compliment this restaurant experience with a 2003 Nuit St. George Burgundy red wine, is an event everyone should experience once in their lives. This was my experience at the newly opened restaurant Le Parc last week, and I highly recommend it. If you have a chance to stop by for a lunch or dinner, the beautiful Provencal decor will impress you. It will certainly impress business colleagues. With the objective of challenging my taste buds along with testing the authenticity of the cuisine, I ordered the Coquilles St-Jacques with a nice Mercury Blanc (2003 Chateau de Bourgogne). Complemented with a Cheese Feuillete for a starter, I was surprised at the quality of the pastry and the delicious wine. The Mercury’s are known not to travel well but this one made the trip while keeping the flavor.

For reservations and contact information:
Le Parc Restaurant
2084 Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Italian Food The Sicilian
Eating truly traditional Italian food can be a difficult quest for South Florida Italian food lovers. The pizza was imported to the USA by American troops returning from Italy after the second world war. In the meantime, it has evolved quite a bit and looks quite different from its distant cousin. For a truly authentic Italian pizza the Sicilian offers great taste which is faithful to the Italian pallet. Joe Masteronni who is the head chef and expert pizza maker at the Fort Lauderdale restaurant comments on the pastry used by Americans and that used by Italians, saying that his pizzas are much leaner and appeal more to the person watching his or her weight. He went on to comment that true Italian pizzas use less cheese.

The atmosphere at the Sicilian is wonderful. It is the perfect restaurant to have a casual lunch but it also caters to the local business clientele.

For reservations and contact information:
The Sicilian
1523 Highway One
Pompano Beach, Florida

Eddy Gomez writes a column for the Gazette every week.