Lesson 14: Airport Disruptions


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Airport Disruptions Vocabulary
Ever increasing: Always growing.
The economy is growing at an ever increasing rate.
Astronomical rate: Very fast.
China is transforming at an astronomical rate.
Inconveniences: Not easy to accommodate.
The construction of the tram created many inconveniences.
Partner: To work with someone or a company.
They partnered with the company to complete the project.
Mega project: A big project.
The Olympics are a mega project.
Nearby: Close.
The office is nearby. We can walk.
Pocket: A compartment.
He put his keys in his pocket.

Weather: Climate.
The weather was good when we arrived.
A pin: A small piece of metal used for sewing.
He used a pin to sew his pants.
Launch: To take off.
The project launch is next week.
Schedule: The planning.
His schedule was busy.
Sector: Area of activity.
The construction sector is exploding.
Impact: The effect.
The impact on the economy was great.