Lesson 15: Trends in Technology


Trends in technology (News and Technology Magazine)

Are you the kind of person who wants all of the latest electronic gadgets? Do you have the latest computer and cell phone? Is it important? Does it affect your career? Keeping up with the pace of technology has forced us to stay on top of hardware and software development and to maximize its use. Read Janet Ferguson’s take on how technology is affecting our daily work lives.

The new trends in technology are putting wireless at the vanguard of the computing business. Average laptops are equipped with Wi-Fi hardware permitting access to networks regardless of their location. If you are interested in chatting on line at the next stopover at Narita airport in Japan, it is possible to use this technology which is fast becoming standard in all major international airports. With e-mail and chat now becoming the norm, the question is whether there will be more constraints on our time. Also with new voice technologies we are seeing telephone costs drop drastically.

Consider the following new technology trends and imagine how it will affect your daily work life.
Most companies consider Blackberries and other hand held devices to be standard tools for all staff.

WiFi will soon be available throughout all cities.
Chat is becoming a standard form of communication.
We thought the cell phone revolution would improve our lives. Has it? Now, your account manager expects to have responses from support staff immediately. Our pace is not slowing down. As new technology is introduced into our daily lives, it is often hard to see the benefits.

The trend is in the sales and technology fields. Just-in-time delivery and increasingly competitive industries are requiring more and more instant contact. At what point will it all come to an end?

Janet Ferguson
(Editor) News and Technology Magazine