Lesson 4: Technology and the impact of IT in our World


Your Results

Question Number Question Your Answer Correct Answer
Writing or Speaking Your Answer Correct Answer
IncorrectWritingresponsible for trouble shoothing this delay actionresponsible for troubleshooting the installation.
CorrectWritingwas distracted by the technicianswas distracted by the technicians.
CorrectWritingwill be up and running by next weekwill be up and running by next week.
IncorrectWritingoffered 24/7 supportoffer 24/7 support.
CorrectWritingoffer 24/7 supportoffer 24/7 support.
CorrectWritingan international wifi supplieran international WiFi supplier.

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Total questions:     4
Correct answers:     
Wrong answers:     
Total time of test:   5 minutes

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0% Correct answers

0% Wrong answers