Lesson 5: Highly Effective Presenters


Effective Presentations. Management Magazine

Effective Presentations
By Amy Fischer
Management Magazine

Presentations can be intimidating events even in the most optimistic circumstances. Standing in front of colleagues can be scary, however it is possible to master these situations. If you were asked to do a presentation, what would you do? It is essential to get it right. What kind of strategies can you use to prepare for this?

1. If you have the possibility of using a computer, you should present with a presentation software such as PowerPoint. This will make your job much easier. Use images, charts, video, audio, and all the tools that will create tasteful flash.
2. If time permits, you may do the presentation in front of a mirror for practice. It would be even better if you did it in front of friends (remember to ask for feedback).
3. You ought to use flash cards to help you through the presentation. Remember to use large fonts so they are clear.

4. If you have the right audience tell a story to break the ice. Don't just give facts and figures. Telling stories makes the presentation more personable.
5. If you have time, schedule a question period following the presentation. You might want to prepare some of the answers ahead of time. It might be strategic to simulate this question period. Here is where you can really influence people.
6. Do not make the presentation boring. This is not so easy to do but it is important. If you are relaxed and well prepared you are already half way there.

These points are only basic ideas on how to prepare for these circumstances. Remember all presentations require preparation time, and they only work better when you spend more time on them.

Amy Fischer
Management Magazine.