Lesson 7: Creating a Strong Impression


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders

Dressing for work vocabulary
Casual: Everyone wears jeans. They are a casual office.
Formal: They wear suits to work. They are formal.
Informal: Another word for casual is informal.
Casual Fridays: We dress informally on Fridays.
Suit: He wears a suit everyday.
Attire: Attire is the same as clothes.
Tie: The boss wears a tie to work.
Bow tie: Churchill wore a bow tie.
Jacket: I like to wear a jacket.
Skirt: She wears a skirt sometimes.
Long sleeves: I like to wear long sleeves in the winter.
Blouse: A blouse is a like a shirt.
Make up: The CEO wears make up sometimes.
Dress code: The company has a dress code.
Cocktail: The dress was formal at the cocktail party.
Turtle neck: When it is cold I wear a turtle neck.
Running shoes: I wear running shoes when I play basketball.

Speaking English

Telephone requests
Is the company a formal company?
I think they have a casual Friday routine.