Lesson 9: Competition


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Competition vocabulary
Opposition: To be against. The opposition was a powerful force.
Cut throat competition: Very aggressive players. There were many cut throat competitors on the market.
Advantage: The lead. The competition was getting the advantage.
Striving: To be determined. The company was striving to eliminate the competition.
Workforce: The employees. They have a large work force.
Dominance: To have major control. They dominate the market.
Attaining: To achieve. They have attained their goals.
Survival: To continue to endure. They survived the market change.
Favorable: Positive circumstances. They have favorable conditions during the buyout.
Prize: The reward. They won the prize.
Evolution: To grow. They evolved into the market leader in the industry.
Consequences: The result. The consequences of the situation.
Capitalism: A free enterprise government. Russia has become capitalistic.
Efficiency: No waste. They are efficient in their procedures.
Strength: The advantages. The strength in the organization is that it has expertise.
Indisputable: No debate. It was indisputable that he would win the election.
Market leader: The best in the industry. They are the market leaders in the industry.

Speaking English

Telephone requests
I have been doing an analysis on the workforce and it seems like there is cut throat competition.
It is not a question of attaining dominance but moreover of survival right now.
They are the indisputable market leaders right now.