Lesson 1: Coaching


Looking for a coach?

Strategies for executives.

Senior executives have been under greater and greater pressure to produce immediate results. Just as athletes require coaching or perhaps a better example, senior politicians, senior business people are looking for better solutions for their performance. Of course they have a team of experts in their executive, but perhaps some of the most difficult elements of working with a close inner circle is conflict of interest. Ben Harper who is a senior consultant to some of corporate America's most respected elite, shares a few of his strategies about what actually goes on behind closed doors in these sessions.

1. Motivation:
Perhaps one of the most personal elements to be developed in the instruction session is focusing on the motivation of the corporate athlete. Under pressure senior business executives can lose their sense of motivation and as a consequence their sense of direction also.

2. Psychology:
One of the most important aspects of coaching for business executives is the psychological factor. Some clients consider this the key in maintaining an edge in difficult situations. In fact it might be considered the most important factor.

3. Attitude:
The result of the psychological coaching is the development of an appropriate attitude in an assortment of situations. It can happen that coaching might be required to address diverse circumstances like preparation for major presentations or a conflict resolution. It can also function as an emergency service similar to a tennis player who loses a major tournament. If an executive is in a crisis situation, a business coach should respond similar to an athletic coach.

4. Focus:
Coaching can also involve focusing the client on well designed objectives. There is a process in establishing these objectives. These goals function as a path in keeping the participants going in the right direction.

It is important to note that this kind of coaching is not only for executives. On the one hand, most people can benefit from coaching. On the other hand a world-class athlete almost always has a coach. Middle management might benefit through group sessions where costs become prohibitive. Good coaches can be very expensive. It goes without saying that it is vital to be confidential. In a global business environment it is becoming crucial to perform at peak levels.

Ben Jefferson