Lesson 10: Teams


Article 2
Here is the Pharmatec Board.

Name Jurgen Frank Chair
Salary $250,000 USD plus bonuses
Education MBA Insead France
Nationality German
Years with company 14
Last book read: Entrepreneurship (Peter Drucker)
Perceived management style Tough but fair

Jurgen had worked for the major competitor Gentec for 6 years before joining the board at Pharmatec. He is known to be a tough manager using the six sigmas approach to management. He is a firm believer in performance. Two unsatisfactory performance reviews and you’re out. Including himself. He subjects himself to the same rigorous tests as his teams.

Secrets to success
Insight into management and six sigmas. Eliminate the lower 10 percent slow performers and promote the good employee. This has always been his motto. It has served the company well. His staff is well aware of his style, so they usually have strong performance results.

Name Dr. Robert Gonzales Vice Chair
Salary $200,000 USD plus bonuses
Education Doctor of Economics Paris La Sorbonne
Nationality : Spanish
Years with company 8
Last book read : Good to Great (Frank Melvin)
Perceived management style Strategic and well planned

Dr. Gonzales is a very methodical and strategic planner. He is meticulous in his tactics and is the brains behind the organization. He has been known to retreat from his work so he can develop an overall perspective and solutions for his tactics. Before beginning at Pharmatec Dr. Gonzales had worked for the Airbus Company in Toulouse, France.

Secrets to success
The most significant characteristic he brings to the table is insight into the business climate and economy along with a solid marketing and sales strategy which is one of the most effective tools in this business climate.

Name Suzanne LeMaitre Director
Salary $150,000 USD plus bonuses
Education MBA HEC Paris
Nationality French
Years with company 6
Last book read: Leadership (by former Mayor Giuliani of New York)
Perceived management style Populist

Suzanne is very good with people. She has a charisma that makes her very well-liked and is able to motivate groups. With an influential address book she is able to bring a lot to the company. Preceding this position she had worked for Lilly for several years in the management team.

Secrets to success
Team work is essential for strong results. A populist approach means that all of the players are working together. This is in contrast with Jurgen's approach but they compliment each other well.

Name Luciano Votare Director
Salary $100,000 USD plus bonuses
Education MBA Stanford University Business School
Nationality American
Years with company 5
Last book read: In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters
Perceived management style Top down management

Sometimes it is necessary to make difficult decisions and it is easier if the person making them has the freedom to make mistakes. There are limitations but it is important to try.

Secrets to success Getting things done.
Luciano believes that management is best executed in a regimented fashion. His style permits for strong results and he manages his activity in a top down decision process. He is the boss. He makes the decisions but encourages input from all of his team.