Lesson 10: Teams


Grammar Builders

In English there are abbreviations that can be confusing sometimes.
Consider the following:

Structure and examples:
We'd We had / would --- We'd better hurry up if we want to catch the train. OR We'd finished the meeting before you arrived.
We've We have --- We've been waiting for you!
They're They are --- They're studying German this afternoon.
They'll They will --- They'll finish soon if they concentrate.
They'd They had / would --- They'd eaten their lunch when she stopped by to say hello. OR They'd rather not come to the meeting.
They've They have --- They've just purchased a new home.
There's There is / has --- There's a hotel in the next town. OR There's been too many telephone calls today!
There'll There will --- There'll be a price to pay!
There'd There had / would --- There'd better be a good explanation for this. OR There'd be some reason for that.
That's That is / has --- That's been on my mind lately. OR That's why I can't come.
That'll That will --- That'll happen sooner than you think.
That'd That had / would --- That'd be the reason why. OR That'd happened before my time.

Examples: That'd been nice. (that had been nice) That'd worked out well. (That had worked out well)
He's He is / has --- He's on the phone now. OR He's been playing tennis since 10 this morning.
He'll He will --- He'll be here tomorrow.
He'd He had / would --- He'd prefer to meet you later in the week. OR He'd finished before the meeting began.
She's She is / has --- She's watching TV at the moment. OR She's had a lot of trouble lately.
She'll She will --- She'll be at the meeting.
She'd She had / would --- She'd been working for two hours when he telephoned. OR She'd like to have a glass of wine.
It's It is / has --- It's been long time since we saw each other last. OR It's very difficult to concentrate.
It'll It will --- It'll be here soon.
It'd It would / had --- It'd be difficult to say no. OR It'd been a long time.
We're We are --- We're working hard on the Smith account this week.
We'll We will --- We'll begin when he arrives.