Lesson 12: CEO After hours


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

After hours vocabulary
A few scratches Mild injury
I got a few scratches surfing last month.
Career aspiration Career hopes
I have great career aspirations.
Supercharge To move along fast
I want to supercharge my career with an MBA.
Into top gear To get something into top shape
The board decided to put the project into top gear by nominating a new president.
You bet Absolutely
Do you think they will win the trophy. You bet.
To be ranked To be among the best
He is a ranked chess player.

Low and behold It appears suddenly
Low and behold they got the contract.
A shaker Influential
He is a shaker.
It is not what you know but whom Contacts and connection
After the networking meeting they realized it is not what you know but whom.
Serendipity It is luck
I thought the situation was serendipitous. They met.
Convergence Meeting of ideas or the junctions of fate
The convergence at the group was impressive.