Lesson 14: Personal Marketing


Article 2

Job Interviews: How to ace them
Read Danny Warton’s article from the Toronto Globe and Mail “Boosting Your Job Possibilities”
A “How to Get That Job” guide

How to ace an interview
Interviews are really a presentation for a person who is interested in hiring you. Perhaps one of the best things to consider is the relative situation of the person who is doing the interrogation. It is vital to consider the position of the person who is doing the interview. What about your attire? What is their mode of communication? What is the position being applied for? Remember that in a job interview whether it be in Asia, Europe or in America the situation will be the same. It's a given that you should know the company and the sector. It is also obvious that you should be able to present yourself in a way that is consistent with your CV. Reflect on the following points.

Your attire
There is a simple approach to dressing. Play the part. This is not as simple as it might seem. Every sector is different. Every company has a style. A software company in Germany is different from one in California. In Asia the style is much more formal. There is the story of the software engineer from the US that was looking for a position in Paris. The style of business dress in France is suit and tie. Having come from Texas, he presented himself casually in the interview. It is needless to say that he was not considered suitable for the post. The objective is to find out how people in similar positions dress in the company. Don’t come to work clad in a shirt and tie for a position in the factory unless that is the style.

Consistency with your CV
Make sure you present yourself consistently with your CV. Without a doubt the interviewee will have an idea of your history. Practice the presentation. There are fewer variables and it is an opportunity to have a smooth appearance. This is an opportunity to watch for and listen to hints of needs on behalf of the organization. The better you do this, the better your chances.

Check the internet
Have you been blogging or are there other indications of you on the net? Rest assured that they will do the same. A hint for all net users, watch out for your net presence. Be prepared to defend any listings which the HR manager can find on you. They will check whether this is ethical or not.

Company style
Consider the style of the company. They will want someone who will fit in. Do you know anyone who is already there? Talk to them. Perhaps you could visit the location discreetly before. Think of some questions about the style.

The position
What kind of a post are you interviewing for? This will affect the way you present yourself. Talk the talk. If it is an administrative job, show you know the software they work with. Do you know the competition? Show you know the industry. Have there been any conferences lately?

The objective of an interview is to give the best presentation that responds to the needs of the company. The better you do this, the more likely you will come out ahead.