Lesson 14: Personal Marketing


Lesson Preparation

Speaking English

I will have taken the plunge before I finish school.
She really got a good bang for her buck at the sale.
Were she not so involved with the higher ups, she would be more relaxed.
Had my eyes glazed over, they would had noticed. I was on stage.

Technique Builders Technical difficulties odd irregular verbs

Bear bore born He bore all the responsibilities.
Plead pled pled (pleaded) He had already pled in court.
Prove Proved Proven He will have proven him right.
Quit quit quit He had quit twice that year.
Bid bid bid He bid on the project.

Ring Rang Rung He had wrung the bell.
Shine shone shone The screen shone bright.
Seek sought sought They sought for a solution.
Slide slid slid They had slid down the stairs.
Stand stood stood He stood there.
Blow Blew Blown Jack blew the horn of his car.
Catch caught caught He caught a cold on the trip.

Writing English Builders

To take the plunge To commit knowing there is a risk of failure.
He took the plunge and signed on for the project.
eyes glaze over To not pay attention.
His eyes were glazing over during the presentation.