Lesson 15: Rules for Evolved Business


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Diverse work circumstances Vocabulary
Barriers Things that block
There were many barriers in the company.
Feuding To fight
They have been feuding for ages.
Plethora A great mass
They get a plethora of junk mail everyday.
Prejudice To prejudge
They have to be careful not to prejudice the potential new candidates.
Academics People who work in higher learning
They are academics. They have a university perspective.
Rendering To make something
They are rendering the situation critical.
Loop A cycle. To be in the loop is to be part of a communication cycle
He is in the loop. You should ask him.


A Brit An English person
He is a Brit. He was born in Manchester.
Permeates Goes right through
This problem is permeated throughout the company.
A two-way street Expression meaning figuratively both ways
We want to help but it has to be a two-way street.
Seniority Someone who has been there longer
They have seniority in the company.
Excerpts Extracts
Did you read the excerpt from the new book? It was in the New York Times book review.
Knowledgeable To know a lot
He is quite knowledgeable on the subject.
Exemplified To give or to be an example
He exemplified possible solutions.