Lesson 2: The Office


Article 2
Office dynamics

The secrets of great office dynamics.

Looking for a healthy, positive, and constructive office environment is one of the most important factors for someone looking for a job and who is interested in a long term stable and solid work situation. Office dynamics can be one of the most important factors when considering an employer. Here are a few tips on how to create that environment as a manager.

1. Remember personal details about people like birthdays, hobbies and family names. This makes the employees feel as though you care about them more than just in the office.
2. Create a great working environment so your employees are comfortable. This will make them work more efficiently and actually end up saving the company money.
3. Make sure your staff is well trained and prepared to do their assigned tasks. Nothing is more expensive than not being properly trained.
4. Offer a reasonable schedule for tasks. If you overload and stress your teams the management will have to pay for the consequences.
5. Consider how much you are giving because at some point you will have to ask in return. It is like a bank. You can make withdrawals and deposits.
6. Develop competencies once the employee is in a good routine. It is important to develop the employees' potential.

Creating a good working dynamic is not always a simple issue of being nice or even a question of a higher salary. It's often a combination of effort and attempts to making someone feel welcome and valued.
There is no question that if you are interested in creating strong team dynamics, nurturing great relations with colleagues and staff is one of the most important factors in obtaining this result. The six points indicated above can help you to get started in pursuing this objective.

Alden Chong
The Management Magazine