If you had to choose one of the following events, which one would you pick.
A company picnic, a business trip to New York with colleagues or a week end adventure trip sailing with your boss.
Our professional responsibilities are any of our activities related to any of our professional work in and out of the office. Where are the limits? These questions should be addressed before you find yourself in a situation where you have committed a faux pas and do not have a chance to recover from the situation. Here is an evaluation of the circumstances.
First, what are extra-office activities?
What is considered a problem in these circumstances? Really, anytime when your behavior can have a negative effect on your work environment. Diplomacy in these circumstances should be as in the office. If you have several glasses of wine at lunch and do not mind to gossip about your colleagues then you can feel free to do so in after work activities.
How you behave in these circumstances can have a powerful effect on your career. Human nature makes us more acutely aware of our actions when we are in leisure mode, so be careful not to sabotage your future prospects for career advancement by not considering your manners at company events.
Alex Konstantinakis
Entrepreneur Magazine