Lesson 3: People at Work


Lesson Preparation

Technique Builders Punctuation

Full stop or period: .
Comma: ,
Question mark: ?
Exclamation mark: !
Colon: :
Semi colon: ;
Apostrophe: β€˜
Quotation marks or Inverted commas: ”or β€˜β€™
Brackets: [ ]
Dash or hyphen: -
Parenthesises: ()
Underscore: _
Forward slash/ Backward Slash \

Phone English Builders

How are you doing Duncan?
I have been looking at the teams you want to put together for the IT project. I agree that it is a good idea to use Eric as a functional consultant. I am not so sure about Jill Loeb though. What do you think?
Can we meet?

Dear Staff,
I am proud to announce the launch of the new IT team for the intranet project. Peter Ustinov, Jill Loeb, Edita Volenska, and Eric Lefort will be the full time members.
Sincerely yours
Colin Givens
Senior VP IT