Lesson 5: Hobbies and Relaxing


Article 1

Know your client.
Management Magazine.
Robert Greene

Holidays are a big discussion topic when on business trips. They can be key points of conversation and can be used as ice breakers for effective client relations development. Before you have your next interaction with business relations from elsewhere, consider the following. According to a senior management skills survey done with 35 fortune 500 company senior management personnel, the most reliable management techniques for senior executives includes cultural sensitivity. “Work on your presentation” said senior vice president from Coca Cola Angela Martin. She also went further to say “work on your job and you will make a good salary, but if you work on yourself you will make a fortune.” You are presenting yourself to the client first. One of the biggest conversation topics is hobbies and vacations. The following is covers some holiday practices in countries around the world.

Vacation Styles

Every culture has a vacation style.In Holland they like to go camping with trailers and tents. In the USA it is the cottage. Here are a few samples of holidays from different countries.

American Style Vacations.
Alex and Jill are planning a vacation. They have been working very hard over the past few years. They both work full time and they have been planning to go on a trip to Eastern Europe. They want to see Hungary and Poland before it changes too much. In Hungary they will visit Lake Balaton. They want to visit the vineyards to taste Hungarian wines. The entire trip will take two weeks.

English Style.
Paula and Jonathan Atwood live in the south of England and work as freelance consultants. They have been living in this area for a long time. For their holiday, they are planning a bike tour through Holland. In particular they have been looking into going to the island of Texel which is located in the north of Holland. It is one of the islands in the North Sea. Biking in Holland is ideal because of the bicycle paths which reduce the dangers of cycling. They plan to go from hotel to bed and breakfast. They will rendez vous with several German friends in Amsterdam following which they will begin their trip heading to the coast and biking north to the island.

Vacations Japanese Style.
Hiroto and Motoko Suzuki live in Kobe Japan. He works as an Engineer for a small automotive manufacturer that designs and builds dash boards for Toyota. Motoko stays at home, but she runs a part time secretarial service for companies that have extra work requirements. They have decided to go to New York for a vacation. They have been planning this trip for years. Motoko loves shopping and Hiroto has been an art buff for years. He wants to spend a few days in the Metropolitan Museum.

French Vacations.
Pierre-Yves is an engineer living in Paris. He has planned to take his small airplane to Africa this summer. He has a single engine Cessna which he bought ten years ago and he has been dreamed of flying it to North Africa. There is the possibility of a friend coming along but he is not sure. The trip will last 2 weeks plus 6 days of preparation.

Robert Greene
Management Magazine