Lesson 5: Hobbies and Relaxing


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Staff: Employees
The staff was excited about the project.
Robust: Reliable and strong.
They recommended a robust solution.
Holiday practices: Traditions at holiday time.
The holiday practices in Spain are different than in Germany.
Freelance: To work for many companies.
They are freelancers. They do not work for a specific company.
Reduce dangers: Less risk.
There are reduced dangers when you wear protective gear.
Easter: Christian holiday.
They are going on holiday at Easter.
According to: Someone said.
According to the company director there are no problems.
Senior management personnel: Higher bosses.
The senior management personnel got good bonuses last year.
Vineyards: Places to grow wine.
They are going to the vineyards on the bike tour.

Speaking English

Sentences: Repeat
Holidays can be a big discussion topic when on business.
Work on your job and you will make a good salary.
The following covers some holiday practices around the world.
They have been working very hard over the past few years.