Lesson 6: A typical Workday


Article 2
Meet Margot Rowe

A day in the life of Margot Rowe
At the office.
Name Margot Rowe

Job Key Account Manager for a California based company
Company Cisco Systems
Office Location 1236 L Street
City Washington DC
Zip 22695
Phone Number 202-256-6589
Assistant’s Name Fran

In the office
The following is a typical day for Margot in the office. Her commute was not too bad considering how bad the beltway can be. When she arrived at her L street office she found the following on her agenda. She has appointments such as an important meeting with a senator on Capitol Hill followed by meeting with sales staff and a conference call. Her assistant is Fran who works in the office next to hers. Here is her day.

8:30 a.m.
Arrival at the office and check mail.
Remember to respond to R.S.V.P. for the Gala next week.
Ask Fran to get report from San Francisco.

10 a.m.
Conference call meeting with Jack Wallis concerning the Capital Hill meeting.
Go over agenda with Jane first.

12:30 p.m.
Lunch with Colonel Frank at the Pentagon.
Don’t be late!

3:00 p.m.
Meeting with sales team.
Go over the numbers.
Confirm the director’s appointment.

4:00 p.m.
Prep report for software presentation.
Find out if new software release is ready.
Ask Fran to organize trip to London.

5:30 p.m.
Call John to see if I should pick up anything on the way home.

After work
On the way home Margot has to stop at the drug store. Then she has an appointment with her physiotherapist to fix her back problem. She will be at home by 7:30 p.m. exceptionally.