Lesson 8: Networking


Lesson Preparation

2. Speaking English Sentences (read out loud)
There are a lot of lobbyists in Washington DC.
He went to the fund raiser and met alumni from his graduate studies.
He was reading excerpts from Dickens while in the doctor’s waiting room.

3. Technique Builders
To show difference use however:
It is going to be sunny this weekend however he is staying in.
To give additional information use: moreover, furthermore, in addition:
He got the contract signed furthermore, he has prospects for another client.
To summarize use: in conclusion, to conclude, to summarize:
He wants to conclude the presentation with a thank you.
To sequence use first, next, finally, last:
First, go to the manager next, present yourself and finally ask for the documents.

4. Writing English Builders

This begs the following question.
To ask a question.
The comment made by the salesman begged the following question. How much?
And so on and so forth Etcetera.
In the presentation he gave examples, statistics, charts, and so on and so forth.
To bring to your attention To let you know.
It was important and I though I should bring it to your attention.
Spill the beans To tell confidential information.
He spilled the beans at the meeting by telling everyone about the problems.