Lesson 13: Future with Going to


The future in English can be expressed in several different ways. Today we are going to look at the two most common: 'will' and 'going to'. The future with both of these conditions can be expressed in these situations:
Use 'will' when expressing an unpremeditated decision (a decision you make without thinking about it). (Telephone rings) I will get it. Otherwise will and going to are essentially the same.


will: subject + will (will not / won't) + verb / Will (Won’t) + subject + verb ?
be going to: Subject+am/are/is+going to+verb
Subject am/are/is not going to
Am/Are/Is+subject+going to+verb?


I will see John next week.
You will not (won't) see John next week.
Will you see John next week?
I am going to see John next week.
They're not going to see John next week.
Will we see John next week?