Lesson 18: Past Simple/Present Perfect


The present perfect is used to express an action in the past without the notion of time, in other words some time in the past. The action might still be ongoing although not necessarily (Use the perfect continuous for this continuous actions). The past simple expresses an action with the notion of time. The action is complete. (exception: with, since, for, yet present perfect is necessary)


Subject verb (ed) / did not didn't for the past simple.
Subject have / has verb (have not / has not) for the present perfect.


I went to San Diego last week.
Did I go to San Diego last week?
I have been to San Diego.
Have I been to San Diego?
I did not go to San Diego last week.
Didn’t I go to San Diego last week?
I haven’t gone to San Diego.
Haven’t I gone to San Diego?