Lesson 28: Conditional 2


This structure used for expressing possible situations in the present or in the future.


if + subject + past simple verb / subject + would + verb
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house. (If clause / Main Clause)
Note You have the option to use the verb form "were", not "was": If I were you, I'd buy a big house.
More formal If I were you….. Less formal (spoken) If I was in that situation….
Remember I would = I’d / You would = You’d / He would = he’d / She would = She’d etc…


If I were / was you, I would (I’d try) try.
If I weren’t you, I wouldn’t (I’d not) try.
I would (I’d) try if I were you.
I wouldn’t (I’d not) try I weren’t you.