Lesson 8: W5 and How

Who Whose Who’s What Where When Why How Which

Use question words to specify the nature of a question.


Question word + verb (with which) / Which + subject + verb / Who’s = Who is… Who has…
Who asks a question about a person.
What asks a question about general issues.
Where asks a question about location.
When asks a question about time.
Why asks a question about reason.
How asks a question about method.
Whose asks a question about possession.
Which asks a question with choice.


Whose is that? It is John's.
Who's that? That is Mark the new employee.
Who's seen Jack?
What is that? That is the new method.
Where are you going? To Mexico.
When do you come back? At 6PM.
Why are you leaving? I have a meeting.
How much? Twenty dollars.
Which way to the station? Turn left.