Lesson 1: Lifestyle


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Relations Social contact
Do you have social relations at work?
Social relations People contact
It is necessary to develop social relations.
Dress Attire
How do you dress when you go out for dinner with friends?
Behavior Conduct
He behaved badly at the party.
Habits Routines
What are your dressing habits in the morning?
Conventions Social rules
There are different social conventions in different countries.
Attitude Manner
He has a great attitude.
Reason Logic
He reasons well.
Point of view Perspective
His point of view was different from mine.
Cultural Belonging to a society
She has a different cultural perspective. She is great to have at parties.
Identity Individuality, uniqueness
His identity is more European than Asian
Consumers Customers, clients, or patrons
They have a consumer lifestyle.

Aspiration Ambition goals objectives
He is aspiring to become a millionaire.
Expenditure Spending money
The expenditures were significant.
Consumption Using
We are a consumption society. It is our lifestyle.
Attitude Feeling towards people
He has a great attitude.
Tastes Preferences
She has great taste.
Standards Principals or values
The standards are high there.
Socio-economic Social and financial status
They are in a good socio economic situation.
Consumer Buyer, user, shopper
He is a real consumer.
How’s that? What did you say?
How’s that? I do not think I understood?

Technique builders Time Zones
PST Pacific Standard Time
MDT Mountain Daylight Time
EST Eastern Standard Time
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
CET Central European Time