Lesson 10: Education


Vocabulary Builders:
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Professor A university or collage teacher
Professor Hawkins teaches at Cambridge University. He’s a full professor there.
Program (or programme UK) A course of study
The program at the college is difficult. It is also three years long.
Associate’s Degree A two-year diploma
I am getting an associate’s degree from City College.
BA A three or four-year program
He has a BA in Economics.
MA A master's degree (five or six years)
She does not want to do an MA.
PhD A doctoral degree (six years and up)
To do a PhD at Harvard you have to attend the program for 7 years.
Graduate To complete a course of study
He wants to graduate in two years.
Undergraduate A program of study after high school
She is doing her undergraduate in History.
Primary school School for children aged 6-11
The primary school program is very good.
Junior High School School for 13-14 year-old children
I went to junior high school in Singapore.
Secondary school (High school) School for 14-19 year-old children
The public secondary schools in the region are excellent. There is no need to attend private schools.
University A senior institute of study (post secondary)
The university has undergraduate and graduate programs.
College A senior institute of study (post secondary -like university)
Colleges in the US are expensive.

Junior college A junior institute of study (post secondary)
The junior college offers Business and Accounting degrees. They offer a two year program.
Community college Non-academic post secondary school
The community college offers associate diplomas in Marketing.
Technical college Technical post secondary school
I am studying Engineering at the local technical college. I should be able to find a job when I finish.
Alumni Former (like former classmates)
I am part of the alumni at my university. We meet every few weeks.
Adult education Education for adults
They offer an adult education program. They are not for diplomas.
Degrees Diplomas (for a certain level - usually post secondary)
I am getting a degree in Science. I will have it by next year.
Diplomas A certificate (high school, college, or other programs)
I have a high school diploma. I got it a few years ago.
Thesis A study or an idea formally presented
My thesis is in Economics. I wrote it when I did my PhD.
Marks The results
I had poor marks last year. I think they will get better this year.
Ivy league A group of prestigious schools (Harvard, Yale, Princeton etc.)
I am applying to Ivy league schools only. They are expensive but worth it.
References People who will witness for your character
I need a reference. Can you write Ten for me?
Teacher Used for high school and under
The teachers at the high school are great.

Technique builders Numbers
Jan 1, 2000 Dec 14, 1990 Feb 2, 2010 Nov 26, 1975 Mar 16, 2004 Oct 28, 1996
Apr 9, 2015 Sept 16, 1977 May 30, 2009 June 3, 1999 Jul 4, 1988 Aug 31, 2012