Lesson 11: Rewarding Employees


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Reward A payment or prize for work done
Jack was rewarded for his efforts.
Feedback Advice or comments
The team needed feedback from their boss.
Objectives Goals
The objectives were very clear.
Return To bring back or give back
They expected some return from the project manager.
Result The outcome, or product
The result was spectacular.
Recognition Appreciation or credit
He recognized the new manager from his old company.
Approach A way of doing something
The new team had a different approach.
Technique A method system or practice
The management technique was really good.
Compensation The return or reward
The manager expected compensation for his results.
Prize The award or treasure
The prize was a promotion.
Payment The reward (usually in money)
The payment must be made by next week.
Incentive The motivation
The incentive was a salary raise.

Criticism To analyse and comment
He was criticized by the client.
Advice Guidance or a suggestion
He gave advice to the team. They did not agree.
Pointer Tips or ideas
The pointers were important help for the programmers.
Motivation The reason to do something
The teams were really motivated.
Encouragement To support or back up
They were encouraged to complete the project.
Spur To encourage some or something
The team leader spurred the group on.
Remuneration To pay
They were well remunerated.
Cubed (cubic) 3 sided
There are three hundred cubic meters in the tank.
Squared (square) 2 sided
There are two hundred square kilometres of forest.
To the power of 5 /2 6 /3 25 /6
Eleven million is ten to the power of six.
+ (plus) Elevenplus Eleven 1 + 1 - (minus) two minus two 2-2 * (Times) three times three 3*3
/ (divided) two divided by two 2/2 = (equals) two plus two equals four 2+2=4

Technique builders
25+25=50 100 - 25=75 2*2=4 3/3=1 -25+75=50 -25*-2=50 25-75=-50 25 /2 236 /2 569 /2 36 /3 896 /3 745 /3 675 /3 875 /2 meters 256 /2 kilometres 896 /3 metres 236 /4 698 /5 369 /6 989 /7