Lesson 12: Telephone Systems


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Telecom A communications company
There are three telecom companies on the market.
Phone A communications device
The phone is used for effective communications.
Digital Not analogue or functioning in a digital way
They are installing a digital line into the office.
Receiver The materiel used to listen and speak into
The phone will ring until you pick up the receiver.
A Dial The old system used to compose a number
There used to be dials on phones.
To dial To call
Can you dial the phone?
Wireless Without a wire
They bought a wireless phone.
Handset The receiver
The phone came with a wireless handset.
Mobile Cell
He has two mobile phones.
Fiber-optics A very fast connection
They are installing a fibre optic line.
Infrastructure The system used to set up a telecom network
The infrastructure permits for fibre optics.

Dial tone When the phone is ready to be used and you hear a sound (tone)
There is no dial tone, so the phone does not work.
Connection When you have a dial tone
We have three connections at home.
Relations Your contacts
Telecoms are good for developing relations.
Outsourcing When you send the work to another country/company
They are outsourcing to a company in another country.
Call centers An office used for calling
They have outsourced their call centers.
Cold calling When you call someone you do not know
The sales teams have to cold call to develop business.
Associations Connections
They have many associations with the competition.
Hi speed A fast connection
They offer hi speed internet.
Conference call A call to more than one person on the phone line.
They have a conference call every week.

Technique builders Numbers
001-416-589-6523 / 0033-1 58 96 32 56 / 0043-6 9871 5698
0031-205698965 / 0048 6049335698 / 1-212-569-8569
1-604-569-8975 / 1-202-986-5895 / 1-831-589-6325 / 0044 7906968569