Lesson 13: Corporate Culture


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Office Place of work
I have to go to the office tomorrow.
Corporate Professional in a business sense
I like to work in corporate. It is better than in service.
Retail Selling directly to the consumer
B to C is retail.
Wholesale Selling to companies
They do wholesale. They do B to B.
Activity A business area
The activity was in retail.
Company Business activity
The company has a good culture.
Action An exploit
The action was in response to the report.
Meeting To get together
They are meeting with friends.
Style The way something is done
The style of the office is cool.
Concept An idea or a thought or an impression
The concept is very good. They are going to do very well.
Results The outcome
The results were impressive.
Public company A company on the stock exchange
The public company has shareholders.
IPO An Initial Public Offering
The company was going to the stock market. They were doing an IPO.
Business activity An action with the objective of financial exchange
The business activity was impressive.

Big business Large companies
Microsoft is big business.
Multinational Companies with offices around the world
I work for a multinational. It has offices in the US, Europe, and Asia.
Small business Smaller activities (qualification depending on country)
They are a small business. They have ten employees.
Commercial Involving money in exchange for goods or services
The commercial activities are dynamic in New York.
Concern An organization
They have a concern in the area.
Workplace A place of work
The workplace has a good environment.
Bureau An office
They have a bureau in Rio.
Attitude The corporate culture
The management has a good attitude. That is why they are profitable.
Management style The mode or manner of running an office
The management style is the result of their good attitude.
Top down management Military style management
They have a top down management style.
Headquarters / Head office The office with all of the main activities
The HQ is downtown.
Branch Office / Subsidiary The office away from the head office
The branch office is in the suburbs.
Agency An office with a related activity
They have a new agency in Asia.

Technique builders Time
A quarter A half Midnight Midday
8:15 AM 9:45 PM 10:30 PM 4:15 PM 12:45 AM 1:10 AM 3:20 PM 6:40 AM 9:50 PM 11:05 AM 12:35 PM