Lesson 15: Business travel


Vocabulary Builders:
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Business class Superior service travel
He flew business to Johannesburg.
Business trip A voyage for work
He was on a business trip to the Middle East.
The executive lounge A special VIP room (usually at the airport)
The executive lounge was full.
Book a ticket To reserve a trip
She booked a trip to the head office.
Reserve a hotel To put a name down for a room
I want to reserve a table at the airport restaurant.
A cab A taxi
They took a cab from the airport to the hotel.
Hail a cab To call for a taxi (usually in the street)
The doorman hailed a cab for the two visitors.
To board To embark
They have to board the plane at gate 12.
A boarding call A request for passengers to board
The announcement announced a boarding call for the next flight.
Carry on Baggage you can take with you
You may have one carry on.
Sign up To join
I have signed up for the Singapore Airlines card.
Check in To confirm a flight
We are checking in at 6 PM.
Boarding pass A document used to get on a plane
I have not gotten my boarding pass yet.
Arrivals When you get to your destination
Arrivals is in terminal three. (You can also say Arrivals are in terminal three)
Departures To leave
Departures is in Terminal one. (You can also say Departures are in Terminal one)

Online booking To reserve through the internet
You should do all of your online booking here.
Company card A business Visa card
I have a new company card for my travels.
Priority lines To have an advantage in a line
KLM has priority lines.
First class Business Class Superior service
We are flying first class.
Economy Regular service
Economy is full. You have to go in business.
Legroom Space for legs
Business class has much more legroom.
Reclining seats Seats that go back
The reclining seats in business are great.
Points Used for frequent travellers
He upgraded to business with points.
Frequent flyers People who travel a lot
He has lots of frequent flyer points.
To fly on points To use frequent flyer points to travel
He flew on points.
Passport An official document for travelling.
Do you need a passport?
Visa A permit to travel in a country
I need a visa.
Whizzed To go quickly.
He whizzed through the airport.

Technique builders (Internet) dash - underscore _ colon :
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.ibm.com/business http://www.yahoo.com