Lesson 17: Law


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Lawyer A legal representative
The lawyer representing the company was good.
Court The official physical space for a legal proceeding
They had to go to court to solve the issue.
Court case An official dispute that is brought to court
There was a court case over the issue.
Judge A person responsible for the proper legal procedures
The judge was responsible for the court case.
To preside To be in charge of
The judge presided over the court case.
To sue To take to court for compensation
They were being sued by the company.
Legal proceedings The activity in a court
The lawyers wanted to discuss the legal proceedings.
Law firm An organization consisting of lawyers
They hired a law firm for their case.
Contracts Documents supporting a relationship between two parties
The contract was considered illegal.
Act of God An event that is uncontrollable (force majeure)
The insurance contract did not cover Acts of God.
Law suit A court activity looking for compensation
There was a law suit. They had to pay millions.
Rights Entitlement
They had rights to the documents according to the contract.

Clause An item in a contract
The clause indicated the details of the relationship.
Defendant The party defending itself against a court decision
The defendant won the law suit.
Plaintiff The person applying a request for justice review
The plaintiff is suing the defendant for 25 million dollars.
Class action When many people join to sue a larger entity
The pharmaceutical company was in a class action suit over the new drug.
Defense To protect against
They hired a good lawyer for their defense.
Settlement To resolve a conflict
They settled the dispute in court.
Out of court settlement To agree out of court
The company decided to settle out of court.
Legal council Another word for a lawyer
The legal council was representing the company.
Liable To be responsible
He is liable for the project.
Judged To have a judgment
They were judged innocent.
Kidding Joking
Are you serious or are you kidding.

Technique builders Introductions
How do you do? / Pleased to meet you / Nice to meet you / How are you? / This is Jane / I would like you to meet... / The pleasure is mine