Lesson 18: Management Consultants


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Consulting To offer advice
They are a consulting company. They give financial advice.
Management consultant To offer advice in management areas
He is a management consultant. He works at Accenture.
Billing Companies or consultants requesting payment from clients
The consulting company is having a good month. They are billing $25,000 a week.
Billable hours The time a consultant works and it is payable
He is delivering on billable hours. He is a top performer.
Specialist To be an expert in an area
He is an internet specialist. He would be good -as our web master.
Outsourcing To not use company human resources
They are outsourcing the SAP installation. They have ten consultants.
In-house To do in the company
They do their IT in-house. They think it is better.
Freelance To not work for a specific organization
They are freelancers. They have several clients.
Expert To be the best at something
He is an expert in the area. He solved all of the company problems.
Specialized To have a specific area of work
His expertise is in human resources. He helps companies fix problems.
Mission A specialized job
He is on a mission in Kyoto. He has to help a company fix its IT problems.
IT consultant To be a computer consultant
They have an IT consulting division.
Financial consultancy To be a financial consultant
They do financial consulting. They are tax experts.

Temporary resource A resource available for a limited amount of time
The consultants are temporary resources.
Pool of talent A group of talent
They have a great pool of talent at their company.
Best practices The best business methods for top results
They demand best practices from the organization.
Specialized advice An expert opinion
He offers specialized advice. He knows a lot about mining.
Managerial principles Basic management rules
They work with managerial principles.
Executive onboarding Bringing executives from outside
They are outsourcing their executive onboarding. They think it is better than hiring internally.
Performance measurement The calculation of office results
The performace measurment is being managed by a consultant.
Executive compensation Top management pay
They are looking for an exectuvtive compensation consultant. They need to know the salary market.
Human capital How to work with the human resources in a company
The human capital at the company is very important.
Sales effectiveness Sales results
They are very effective in sales. They have been getting outstanding results.

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